Wednesday, April 16, 2014

There's just something

Not sure if it's the bright white hair paired with brilliant blue eyes or just his outgoing no fear approach to life, but everywhere we go Josh is a celeb. We see it in Thailand and attribute it to a Thai/Farang thing but here in Mexico with other white kids aplenty?  

For the past two days he's met and captured the hearts of kids from two to 16 years old. They want hugs, they want to play in the pool, they want everything Josh. So much so that tonight we visited the bon fire with s'mores and the kids came out of the darkness. First time meeting of some of the parents caused comments like "oh this is the famous Josh. My son can't stop talking about him. Hi I'm Jim."

Another voice from the dark commented that "at least he has clothes on tonight". This being a comment caused by J running across the pool deck today, totally starkers, squatting down by the drain and firing a good solid straight stream of pee into the drain hole with the entire resort watching with jaws open and in awe. 

Yes, seems no matter where we go or with whom we are with, Josh causes a scene and captures the hearts of many. 

Please don't let this go to his head, for gods sake. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Miriam Webster has nothing on Josh

So here are the Josh words you are to know if you want to survive.  In Australia there is the Macquarie Dictionary, here lies the Joshua Dictionary. 

Poo - pool

Poo Poo  -  well we all know that one

Josh up - Josh is awake and not going to go back to sleep. So don't even try. 

Poon - Moon

Poon - Spoon. You need to put the words into context to not get them mixed up. 

BA-ee - Buggy, we're working on the "g" part of the word. 

Aqua-door - helicopter  

Opa pain - Airplane, his favorite mode of transport around the globe. Mainly because they have "the man" who also makes it go "stop" when we arrive. 

Be be - this one confuses. It's based on boo boo which of course means something hurts.  Thus, be be, something hurts. 

Brrr - Cold, generally referring to Josh himself. 

Nam Nam - water, the shortened Thai word of Nam Pau

Skoow - screwdriver

Sleepies - referring to Josh or anyone else is needing to go to sleep or may even be asleep already. 

More to follow as they come up.